Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Bussiness Cards

Creating Bussiness Cards are a simple process that everyone who is involved in bussiness should have to do.
Just make sure you include:
Phone Number
Email Adress
Professional Title


Learning how to create a good resume is very crucial to my future career in Sports Adminstration.  When going through the hiring process it is important to have a good resume. Many people won't even consider you for a job with out any form of a resume. Learning what to put on it is the first part that is important, if you don't have the right information, employers might pick another candidate.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Concept Map

Concept map  I think will be my most helpful tool for the future, it shows the different levels of the organization. Someday I hope to be somewhere on an organizations concept map, to show what my role is in the organization. The actual creation of the concept map was not that difficult, I used Inspirtation 8, I found that this program was user friendly and I did not have any major problems at all.


Making a booklet was one of the more difficult things I had to do in EDTF300. Not that the assignment was impossible, it just took some time to complete. I also composed my booklet about how to become a good basketball player. I used my webquest to help guide me throught the process, but what was very helpful was knowing how to properly use Microsoft Word. From the readings we had to do on Microsoft Word I had no problems and was able to complete the booklet with very problems.

Basics about computers

In EDTF300 I have learned about all of the basics on different programs on computers. I have learned how to use different programs such as: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft Powerpoint. These programs will be helpful in any career I pursue in the future. Also I learned how to different things on the internet. How to use proper surch engines, and how to solve different problems when any type of error had been occuring.


I did my personnel web quest on how to become a competitive basketball player. This is something I was back in high school and I felt I could help spread my knowledge for the game of basketball in both of my webquests. The webquests were very easy to make, because all we had to do was change around the template.. Everything was a simple process, and is something I believe everyone could do.

Things I have learned 1

Creating a web site for myself is one of the first I learned how to do in EDTF300, this is something that I was looking forward to when entering the class. It was not a very diffcult to do at all, all you had to do was pay attention to details and follow directions correctly. Even though my website is not complete it has come far ways since when i started this class

Sunday, September 5, 2010

About me Kevin Berger

      Hello my name is Kevin Berger and Im a Sports Adminstration major at Lock Haven University. I like my major because every class we discuss something involving sports. Sports are what I love to talk about and participate in every since I was a little kid. Another thing I like about my major is the professors, all of the professors seem very knowledgeable about what they are talking about. Most of them have previous work experience in the sports world, and they teach us what they have learned about it.
      I feel pretty confident with technology, at my previous college I had an online computers test, which got me comfortable with different programs on the computer. I learned how to put videos up on the computer and also how to edit videos on the computer. I would like to work in some kind of Major league Baseball organization, after graduation. Honestly I would take any role in an organization, hopefully one day working my way up to management, where I could have control of the day to day operations of a team.
Senior Year of High School 2008
      If this course had been offered online, I probably would have taken it online. Im pretty comfortable with the D2L program, I had a summer class and I was comfortable with and achieved a good grade at the end of the term. I have taken two online courses, this summer I took an American government class and at my previous college I took another computer class online last fall. I did well in both of the classes, didnt really have any thing bad to say about them, if I needed help I would just email the professor and the problem was fixed. One interesting fact about myself is, I broke my nose three times!